BPM Library

The blog includes information from the materials that I meet during my career. It is a collection of information about methods and library sources for professionals in the IT Business Analysis sector.

FMEA, RPN, and Process Sigma

FMEA: How To Perform a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Tutorial

FMEA (Failure mode and effects analysis) is a part of DMAIC in Six Sigma

Is a step after C&E Matrix ant it is used for analysis of potential failure modes within a system

Every defect is measured by Severity, Occurrence and Detection. The multiplication of these elements gives the Risk prioritization (Risk Priority Number RPN) for every case.

Uses of FMEA

  • Development of system requirements that minimize the likelihood of failures.
  • Development of methods to design and test systems to ensure that the failures have been eliminated.
  • Evaluation of the requirements of the customer to ensure that those do not give rise to potential failures.
  • Identification of certain design characteristics that contribute to failures, and minimize or eliminate those effects.
  • Tracking and managing potential risks in the design. This helps avoid the same failures in future projects.
  • Ensuring that any failure that could occur will not injure the customer or seriously impact a system.
  • To produce world class quality products


  • Improve the quality, reliability and safety of a product/process
  • Improve company image and competitiveness
  • Increase user satisfaction
  • Reduce system development timing and cost
  • Collect information to reduce future failures, capture engineering knowledge
  • Reduce the potential for warranty concerns
  • Early identification and elimination of potential failure modes
  • Emphasis problem prevention
  • Minimize late changes and associated cost
  • Catalyst for teamwork and idea exchange between functions
  • Reduce the possibility of same kind of failure in future
For more information see here