BPM Library

The blog includes information from the materials that I meet during my career. It is a collection of information about methods and library sources for professionals in the IT Business Analysis sector.

Use Case is a detailed description of a users interaction with a system

It can be applied to a business process, a software system or event organization of events.

The only requirements are an actor and an object to be acted on.

A Use Case consist of seven components:

1. Name - the identifier for the use case in question. It should be represented in a form of an action.

2. Description - expands of the name and provides additional information and details regarding the user and the system interaction.

3. Preconditions - criteria that must first be met prior to the execution of the scenario. They can be sucsessful execution of other use cases or assumptions.

4. Scenario - the anticipated series of actions and responses. Depending of the complexity of the use case the scenario maybe is simple as a couple of lines or spend several pages but length should be taken in the consideration. If the scenario is too long maybe it will be better to define other use cases from that use case

5. Results - the final results of the actor system interaction. Reflex the successful compleition of the use case.

6. Alternate paths - variations on the anticipated scenario and represent failiors of the actor system interaction.

7. Additional business rules - rules that govern the use case. They should be presented within the scenario or within the alternate paths which are relevant. It is a place for additional business rules that govern the entire use case and do not have a location for inclusions whithin the context.

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